The Professional Web Design, Print, and Graphic Design Specialists.
We are partners with the world’s largest domain name registrar. Us & our partners as an ICANN-accredited domain registrar, have more names under management than any other registrar in the world, offering prices up to 70% less than the competition, and supporting them all with world class technical customer service.
Domain Extension |
Annual Price |
.com.au | 24.95 |
.net.au | 24.95 |
.com | 24.95 |
.net | 18.95 |
.org | 18.95 |
.biz | 18.95 |
.us | 18.95 |
.info | 18.95 |
.ws | 20.95 |
.name | 20.95 |
.co.uk | 20.95 |
Please note that Australian domains (.com.au & .net.au) must be registered in 2 year multiples.
Which Domain Name should I register?
To gain the best advantage on the Internet you should consider registering your company name as well as any abbreviations. Abbreviations are very important if you have a long business name.
A three letter Domain Name like www.xyz.com.au is far easier to remember than a long Domain Name.
It can help when customers want to visit or revisit your site, that you have a short easy to remember Domain Name.
.com.au or just .com?
A .com.au name is certainly the flagship of Australian Domain Names. It is well recognised by Australian consumers, because they instantly identify that companies bearing the .com.au suffix are Australian Companies and have passed the eligibility to hold a com.au Domain Name.
Search engines will also index your .com.au site as an Australian site, so that if Australian visitors are narrowing their search criteria to just Australian sites, they will still find your listing.
The .com suffix on the other hand is certainly one of the most recognised suffixes in the world. If your business wants to trade and compete on a world scale then a .com name will help brand you as an international organisation.
Many businesses choose to register all three (com.au, net.au .com) to protect their trademark or to assist in their on-line and off-line marketing efforts.
If for example you owned www.mywebsite.com, www.mywebsite.net.au but the main website you have is www.mywebsite.com.au, users could find your web site at all three of these addresses.
We can also provide URL forwarding services on all domain names so you could "Point" the .com and .net.au Domain Names to the .com.au website.
Call 1300 722 426 to place your order today, or to discuss your needs. Alternatively email us at sales@dreamorb.com.au or drop in.