The Professional Web Design, Print, and Graphic Design Specialists.
By placing an order, you are forming a legally binding contract with DreamOrb and/or it’s affiliated companies, for products and services, and you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions.
1. Definitions
1.1 “DreamOrb” means Fleet Entertainment Pty Ltd T/AS DreamOrb Media and/or its related or associated entities.
1.2 The “Customer” means the party placing an order for the purchase of goods or services from DreamOrb.
1.3 An “Order” refers to a request for goods or services.
2. Acting in Reliance
2.1 The customer warrants that the information provided by the Customer is true and correct. The Customer acknowledges that DreamOrb will act in reliance on this information.
3. Application of Terms and Conditions
3.1 These Terms and Conditions (“T&C’s”) apply to each and every dealing between the parties DreamOrb and the Customer, and the Customer agrees to adhere to these Terms and Conditions and will that they prevail over any other verbal, implied or written conditions, whether verbal, implied or written to the extent of the permitted law.
3.2 These Terms and Conditions may be changed by DreamOrb from time to time, and the then current version of the Terms & Conditions shall be binding upon the Customer.
4. Orders
4.1 All orders are subject to acceptance in accordance with these T&C’s. Orders are subject to acceptance by DreamOrb in whole or in part.
4.2 All prices and quotations are subject to sight of artwork.
4.3 Published or advertised prices are based on Customers supplying digital files prepared according to DreamOrb artwork guidelines and specifications, and considered “Print Ready.” Failure to setup files according to these guidelines may result in additional charges.
4.4 Unless a full or partial credit account has been setup and authorised by SkyCore, all orders must be paid for at time of ordering.
5. Copyright Infringement
5.1 You warrant that the subject matter to be printed is not copyrighted by a third party. You also recognize that because subject matter does not have to bear a copyright notice in order to be protected by copyright law, absence of such notice does not necessarily assure a right to reproduce. You further warrant that no copyright notice has been removed from any material used in preparing the subject matter for reproduction. To support these warranties, you agree to indemnify and hold DreamOrb harmless for all liability, damages, and attorney fees that may be incurred in any legal action connected with copyright infringement involving the work produced or provided.
5.2 You also warrant that the work does not contain anything that is libellous or scandalous, or anything that threatens anyone's right to privacy or other personal or economic rights. You will, at your sole expense, promptly and thoroughly defend DreamOrb in all legal actions on these grounds as long as DreamOrb promptly notifies you of the legal action and gives you reasonable time to undertake and conduct a defence. DreamOrb reserves the right to use its discretion in refusing to print anything that it deems illegal, libellous, scandalous, improper, or infringing upon copyright law.
6. Proofing, Colour Matching & Print Quality
6.1 Hard copy proofs are not to be used as colour reference or matching due to colour variations between various proofing devices, mediums and paper stock.
6.2 Print colour may vary from print run to print run and/or from job to job or from front to back.
6.3 Trimming may vary up to 2mm, and Text should not be placed within 5mm of the edge.
6.4 Whilst all care is taken checking Client files for related print issues DreamOrb accepts no responsibility for files that are not print ready.
6.5 All artwork should be supplied in minimum of 300dpi.
6.6 Any variations in stock and quantities from standard promotion will require independent quotation.
6.7 DreamOrb will reproduce colour from digital files as closely as possible, but may not exactly match colour and density due to limitations in the proofing and printing process, as well as neighbouring image ink requirements. A reasonable variation in colour between original materials, proofs and the completed order, will be considered acceptable print quality.
6.8 Clients must provide all full colour printing images in CMYK format. DreamOrb is not responsible for any colour shift that occurs in conversions from RGB to CMYK colour modes.
6.9 Full colour jobs that contain large solid areas of black ink should have the black set up as Rich Black. (100% K 45% C or 100% K for Text). DreamOrb will not be responsible for printing a consistent, solid and rich black if the Client has not set up their files accordingly.
7. Errors
7.1 DreamOrb is not responsible for errors and omissions approved by the Customer. The Customer is solely responsible for errors missed during the proofing process of either artwork supplied by the Customer or artwork created by DreamOrb.
8. GST & Delivery
8.1 All prices are inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated.
8.2 All posted turnaround times are approximate and although DreamOrb will make every effort to meet these delivery times, DreamOrb will not be liable for any costs or damages resulting from deliveries made later than expected to the Customer.
8.3 Delays or damage during shipping are the sole responsibility of the carrier providing shipping services. DreamOrb is not responsible for delays or damage caused during shipping.
8.4 Delivery fees are applicable and separate to all orders unless specifically stated that Delivery is included.